Saturday, May 30, 2009

Lots of Prizes to give away!!

The Blended Family Advice Summer Giveaway has grown faster than I can put the prizes on the website! We have people from all of the United States donating their books, DVD's, hour of coaching, and other great stuff to our blended family subcribers. Don't miss out- first drawing is tomorrow, Sunday, June 1st. It's amazing how many prizes we are offering. Go to for the details on how to enter.

I laugh out loud as I read Izzy Rose's, "The Package Deal"- her (no-so) Glamorous Transition from Single Gal to Instant Mom. Her book is quite funny and very realistic for new step moms.

Johnny Tan's "From My Mamma's Kitchen" is a heartwarming tribute to his 9 moms. "A dash of this, a smidgen of that, and a pinch of mother love from my 9 moms."

We also have donations of an hour of parent coaching, a book on ADHD, a set of DVD's for autistic and developmentally delayed children, a set of DVD's on teaching your preschool sign language and more- I will name more of these items, in detail, each day in June as we continue our Summer Giveaway.

Sign up today! First drawing (and your pick of the prizes) is tomorrow.
I'll finish putting the rest of the prizes on the website this afternoon.

Good luck to everyone! Tell your blended friends- this is a great opportunity to win free stuff!!

Shirley Cress Dudley

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